Grade Requirements in ISE Curriculum

IE Courses: Students must earn a C in ALL Industrial Engineering courses (IE prefix for the course number)

Professional Enrichment Elective: Students must earn a C or better in ANY course taken to fulfill the professional enrichment elective.

Prerequisite Courses: It is best to assume that a C or better is required for any prerequisite courses, though students should review the course descriptions and prerequisite requirements in the MSU Course Catalog before enrolling in any course.

Courses where a D is permitted: The courses in which students can earn a grade of D on their transcript and still graduate are:

  • ACC 2023: Managerial Accounting
  • CH 1211: Chemistry 1 Lab
  • CH 1223: Chemistry 2*
  • EC 2123: Microeconomics
  • EM 2413: Eng Mechanics 1 (Statics)*
  • EN 1113: English Comp 2
  • GE 3513: Technical Writing
  • MA 2743: Calculus 4
  • MA 3113: Linear Algebra
  • PH 2223 – Physics 2*
  • PSY 1013 – Psychology


  • Fine Arts Elective
  • Humanities Electives
  • Math/Science Elective *
  • Engineering Science Electives*

* Although a D may be allowed in a required course, it may limit the options for elective courses. This is especially true for Engineering Science Electives. Courses known to heavily limit elective options are indicated with an *.

A grade of F is never applied to the program of study.