Stanley F. Bullington

Stanley F. Bullington


Office: 260N McCain Hall
P 662.325.7621


Ph.D., Auburn University, 1990.
M.S.I.E., Purdue University, 1983.
B.I.E., Auburn University, 1981.

Stanley F. Bullington, Ph.D. received his B.I.E. (With Highest Honors) from Auburn University in 1981. He received his M.S.I.E. from Purdue University in 1983, and his Ph.D. from Auburn University in 1990. He was a systems engineer for TRW Defense Systems Group in Huntsville, Alabama, from 1983 to 1985. He joined the faculty in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Mississippi State University in 1987. He is a registered professional engineer in the State of Mississippi.

Dr. Bullington teaches courses in production control, process improvement, systems engineering, engineering administration, and engineering economics. His resarch efforts are focused on production systems design and analysis, management systems engineering, and supply chain management. His research has been funded by NASA Stennis Space Center, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, United Technologies Motor Systems, Tecumseh Products, and others. Dr. Bullington serves as Co-director (with Dr. Allen G. Greenwood) of the Department's Management Systems Engineering Laboratory.

Dr. Bullington is author (or co-author) of research papers that have appeared in IIE Transactions, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, International Journal of Production Research, Engineering Management Journal, Production and Inventory Management Journal, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, and Air Force Journal of Logistics. He has been a member of the Board of Examiners for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and the Mississippi Quality Award, and has served on the College-Industry Council on Material Handling Education.