ISE Required Courses

  • Industrial Ergonomics Laboratory: Application of human factors/ergonomics concepts in structured assignments involving data collection, analysis, and report generation. Hands-on experience with sophisticated testing equipment
  • Industrial Ergonomics: Analysis of work tasks; ergonomic design principles for manual work design, workplace design, and work environment design; work measurements; and design of wage payment plans
  • Manufacturing Processes: Manufacturing processes and materials; interrelationship of product design, material properties, and processing methods; robotics and CAM systems; economic factors in material, process, and equipment selection
  • Engineering Economy I: Principles of evaluating alternative engineering proposals. Economic measures of effectiveness, costs and cost estimates, basic comparative models, break even and replacement analysis
  • Production Control Systems I: Principles, analysis, and design of production and inventory planning and control. Demand for forecasting, aggregated planning, inventory management, production scheduling and control systems
  • Engineering Administration: Study of problems confronting the engineering manager. Includes: Organization and communication theory, internal and external relationships and responsibilities, and designing and implementing managerial systems
  • Logistics Engineering: Analysis of complex logistics networks. Integration of supply, production, inventory, transportation, and distribution. Strategies for reducing logistics costs and lead times. Customer-supplier partnerships
  • Engineering Statistics I: Introduction to statistical analysis. Topics include: probability, probability distributions, data analysis, parameter estimation, statistical intervals, and statistical inferences
  • Engineering Statistics II: Introduction to engineering applications of regression, experimental design and analysis, and nonparametric methods
  • Industrial Quality Control: The theory and application of statistical quality control; statistical process control; and statistical acceptance sampling
  • Linear Programming: Theory and application of linear programming; simplex algorithm, revised simplex algorithm, duality and sensitivity analysis, transportation and assignment problems algorithms, integer and goal programming.
  • Systems Engineering and Analysis: Systems concepts, methodologies, models and tools for analyzing, designing, and improving new and existing human-made systems
  • Systems Simulation I: The principles of simulating stochastic systems with an emphasis on the statistics of simulation and the use of discrete-event simulation languages
  • Design of Industrial Systems: The fundamental procedures and techniques in design operational systems
  • Information Systems for Industrial Engineering: An introduction to the design and development of information systems for use in industrial engineering applications